Tuesday 18 October 2016

Chapter 8 Types of storage
Storage its holds data,instructions and information for future use.
A storage medium is the physical material on which computer keeps data, instructions and information.

  • Capacity is the number of bytes a storage medium can hold. For example kilobyte(KB) ,Megabyte (MB) ,Gigabyte (GB) ,Terabyte(TB) 
  • a storage device is the computer hardware that records or retrieves items to and from storage media
  • reading is the process of transferring items from a storage medium into memory
  • writing is the process of transferring item from memory to a storage medium
  • Access time measures the amount of time it takes a storage device to locate an item on a storage medium and the time required to deliver an item from memory to the processor
Hard disks

  • a hard disk that contains one more inflexible , circular platters that use magnetic particles to store data , instructions , and information
  • hard disk can store data by using longitudinal recording or perpendicular recording
  • the characteristics of a hard disk include capacity ,platters,read/write heads ,cylinders , sectors and tracks ,revolutions per Minute ,transfer rate and access time
  • Formatting is the process of diving the disk into tracks and sectors so that the operating system can store and locate data and information
  • the hard disk arms move the read and write head which reads items and writes item in the drive
  • A head crash occurs when a read and write head touches the surface of a platter 
  • and always keep a backup of our hard disk
  • RAIN is a group of two or more integrated hard disks
  • A network attached storage (NAS) device is a server connected to a network with the sole purpose of providing storage 
  • a disk controller consists of a special-purpose chip and electronic circuits that control the transfer of data,instructions,and information from a disk to and from the system bus and other components of the computer
Flash Memory Storage
Flash memory chips are a type of solid state media and contain no moving parts
Solid state drives (SSDs)have several advantages over magnetic hard disk for example faster success time , faster transfer rates , generate less heat and consume less power and last longer 
  • a memory card is a removable flash memory device that you insert and remove from a slot in a computer, mobile device , or card reader/writer for example compact flash (CF) ,secure digital (SD) , secure digital high capacity (SDHC) ,microSD , microSDHC ,picture card , memory stick and memory stick micri(M2)
  • USB flash drives plug into a USB port on a computer or mobile device
  • an Express Card module is a removable device that fits in an Express Card slot 
  • Developed by the PCMCIA
  • Commonly used in notebook computers
Cloud storage
cloud  storage is an Internet service that provides storage to computer users

Optical Discs
an optical disc consists of a flat,round,portable disc made of metal,plastic and lacquer that is written and read by a laser 
  • it store software,data ,digital photos,movies and music
  • it commonly store items in a single track that spirals from the center of the disc to the edge
  • Track is divided into evenly sized sectors
  • Archive disc-stores photo from online photo center                                         -resolution usually is 7200 pixels per photo                                 -cost is determined by the number of photos that                            being stored
  • picture CD - single-session CD-ROM that stores digital                                   versions of film                                                                          -it uses a 1024 x 1536 resolution                                                  -many photo centers offer Picture CD dervices
Other types of storage 
  • tape is a magnetically coated ribbon of pla stic capable of storing large amounts of data and information
  • tape drive is reads and writes data and information on a tape
  • a magnetic stripe card contains a magnetic sripe that stores information 
  • a smart card stores data on a thin microprocessor embedded in the card
  • Microfilm and microfiche store microscopic images of documents on a roll or sheet film

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